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Eat well and live upto 30% longer

Updated: Oct 7, 2022

Food is something dear to all our hearts, but do we really know what is behind all the glitz of nice foil wrappers that our furries food comes in? When it comes to giving kitty or fido what is best, the first step is to understand that there are different labels for the different nutrient profiles. A species appropriate diet is a must. Any claims that a diet is complete and suitable for cross species should send you running.

Complete diet Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need animal protein to have a strong heart, a healthy reproductive system, and good vision. They are unable to get these nutrients from plant sources. ( Source:What Can Cats Eat? Complete & Vet-Approved Guide to Cat Diet ( ) AAFCO guidelines for nutrition for cats and kittens ( Nutritional Requirements and Related Diseases of Small Animals - Management and Nutrition - Merck Veterinary Manual (

Dogs being a facultative carnivore however have a stomach that allows to process plants when forced to , making them more tolerant to a varied diet. ( Source: Feeding My Dog - FeedingMyPet)

What most complete guidelines miss out is where these nutrients should be derived from. Meat / meal is also a loosely used term, proper diets will go as far as to present the percentages of offal used in their formulas as well as the types of meat used, others use plant based nutrients to present a complete profile that will not be absorbed by your cat or chemical and a unsuitable ratio of non animal based nutrients for your dog.

This practice in the long run leaves a undesired effect on your pet.

Obesity, heart failure, intolerance, inflammation and cancer are just some of the possible issues.

Cats require a diet that is approximately 90% animal based and Dogs require a diet that is approximately 75% animal based. Sadly most commercial dry diets for cats are about 45-65% animal based and approximately 30-40% animal based for dogs.

In addition, these meats are usually from cuts suitable only for animal consumption which includes animals that have passed on and cuts that have been left out for too long, deemed unsuitable for sale to humans. Ask any chef in a restaurant and they will explain the importance of fresh as well as the grading of meats. Even Human grade has its own sub categories for the very discerning With most commercially available foods not providing a species appropriate amount of animal based nutrition , their attempt at breed appropriate foods are relatively futile. That being said, it is still important to look at the labels and select the best formula available for your pet and give them the additional support required to properly supplement them.

Treats / complimentary feeding Most wet foods fall into this category. If you are feeding a wet food only diet, it is important to read the fine print. There are certain nutrients only found in red meats and these have to be added into a diet if cat is only fed canned white meats. Similarly with dogs, attention must be paid to the formulas. Where possible , unless you are cooking / making homemade recipes for your pets, commercial supplements should not be haphazardly dispensed. Instead, used a good single ingredient freeze dried raw treats to fill in the nutritional gaps that your pet might have. These treats safely boost overall gut health and are safer to give your pet avoiding any toxicity from commercial supplements . Most importantly, it has nothing added, allowing you to know exactly what it is that you are putting into their bodies.

Tasty/ flavorful foods Pet pawrents usually purchase foods that their pets love, this is even more true for cat owners. Most do not scrutinize what is in them .Their concerns are primarily about kitty refusing the new food or having runny stools. Changing your pet's foods from strong to stronger flavor profiles without truly understanding what it is doing to the pet or why pet is refusing their old foods is a potentially dangerous practice. Palatants are added to most commercial foods to ensure repeat purchase and are detrimental in the long run to your pet's health. A pet without underlying medical issues feed on a quality diet are rarely over or under weight. They will not over eat and will be able to self regulate with some assistance from their human.

Raw Vs Cooked This is a highly contentious topic. There are many that are against or for a raw diet. Even more misunderstand what it is, some vets are strongly opposed to the diet and others are open or advocate it. When done right, the benefits of a raw diet are tremendous. They are better absorbed and cleaner for your pet. I emphasize that it must be done right. This means not going into the supermarket and getting minced ( human or worse pet grade) meats and giving it straight to your pet or feeding starches, vegetables or seeds uncooked. Many go raw and do it wrong. The same can be said for homemade food. The misconception of what is good for me is good for my pet is often used. This is a far cry from the truth. However if you are only comfortable with self prepared homemade meals and have no access to suitable raw diets, you would have to complete your pet's cooked diet with appropriate supplements. A point to note, there are differences in the quality and bioavailability of supplements. Unless there are health concerns, you should used a quality natural meat based supplement. Feeding your pet especially if it is a cat or kitten a complete raw or homemade diet is not for the lazy or the cheap. If your motivation to go raw or homemade is to cut costs, don’t. Nothing can be cheaper than commercial dry diets no matter how costly the extruded kibbles maybe. A point to note, a pet on a commercial diet may end up with heftier vet bills in the future especially if it lives past the lifespan of most strays.

Leaving nutrition to the professionals and getting premade boutique diets may seem like a perfect answer to those that just want what's best. Many such diets have better then AAFCO requirements . Custom diets have the ability to include flavonoids, and beneficial pre & probiotics that are otherwise not a requirement or found in many commercially complete diets. Before placing orders with boutique diets (cooked or otherwise), it is important to scrutinize the diet and if necessary write and ask their diet formulators about the sources of meats or questions you might have. Most formulators are able to clarify and support their claims. With research you will be able to find one that is most suited for your pet.

Taste is only a small component in your pet's diet and switching from a highly flavored kibble or wet diet to a natural clean diet is not always easy. We cannot stress how important your pet’s diet formulators are. They must have the integrity, understanding and proper motivation to get it right. If you find this article too much information to take in, please share it and realize the dedication required by proper diet formulators. Our parting points till the next time, your pet is what it eats. It is important to have a quality complete diet from natural meat based sources. When in doubt, Invest in either complete freeze dried raw or if a kibble diet is preferred, choose oven baked kibbles supplemented with single ingredient high quality animal based treats. When choosing to go with a wet only diet, read the labels and ensure that it is a complete diet and supplement appropriately if incomplete. A pet store assistant is not your best resource to what is best diet for your pet. Never feed a cross species diet as they are NEVER appropriate for each other Feel free to reach out to us for more information or sources.

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